Research Proposal

PhD Research Proposal Writing Service

Are you facing difficulties in identifying the research problems? Are you looking to narrow down or clarify the research topics? Do you find it hard to point out the research gap and develop a good research question for problem identification process?

No worries! you have reached the right destination. Our research proposal writing service is an excellent solution to write your research proposal that establishes the significance of your research.

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Research Proposal Help - Avail Mentoring from Top Ranked Universities

Our research proposal assistance has a team of passionate researchers who will travel along with you, think from your experience, and explore possible research gaps for your research. We ensure that you have a solid understanding of the background and previous research done by other researchers, which in turn would help the scholars to identify a research topic and provide materials for developing an appropriate argument with his/her supervisor. Our experts are chosen from international and top-ranked universities across the global countries like the US, UK, Australia, Russia, and India.

About us

Research Proposal Help for Your Doctorate Dissertation

We help you to identify the problem for your dissertation that must convince the reader—the source of the problem may be some pressing problem faced by the society or one of its institutions that needs closer attention. We not only provide a research problem but also provide sufficient evidence to show the topic is serious and needs further exploration.

Research Proposal – Order Now

Service description

Different Levels of Services We Offer at PhD Research Proposal Writing Service

We offer three levels of PhD research proposal writing service to our clients who look for research proposal help. Therefore, while ordering, you need to specify the level that best suits to you or to your university requirement.

RP-Level 1: Outline RP-Level 2: Short Proposal RP-Level 3: Long Proposal

No. of Pages: 2 Pages*

No. of Pages: 5 Pages

No. of Pages: 12 Pages
Purpose: Title finalization Purpose: Title and Admission Purpose and Purpose: Proposed research to the guide/professor/mentor and University
Broad research Objectives, outline of the problem, proposed methodology. In addition to Level 1, broad literature review, broad gap, detailed methodology, with in-text references maximum of 10 references Level 1, Level 2 and Level broad literature review with solid gap, detailed methodology, theoretical framework/conceptual framework, identification of dependent and independent variables, the significance of the research with in-text references maximum of 25 references
Evidence of an attempt to provide critical evaluation but mainly descriptive More critical analysis and description In-depth critical thought
- - Mandatory before proceeding to actually complete Ph.D. Research
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Connect with our domain-matter expertise across the globe

We offer Topic selection for Management, Life Science, arts, social science and health, Biological and Medical Sciences and much more.

Research Proposal: A Snapshot of the Proposed Dissertation

PhD Assistance assists in framing out the PhD research proposal as per the standard guidelines. We have assisted the UK, USA, Netherlands, Australia, UAE, Dubai, Kenya, Nigeria, China, Russia, and many more countries. We are aware of the guidelines set by different universities and strictly follow the same. Further, we are aware of plagiarism and tolerance policy and therefore strive to ensure that all the papers sent to our clients are original.

Our Process

PhD Dissertation Services – Mentoring to Identify Right Problem

Writing a research proposal is an important part of the PhD as it is an integral part of the application process. More importantly, in many international universities, the research proposal has been used to make decisions on whether to make acceptance offers for the DBA/Doctoral program. Therefore, the research proposal should be written in such a way that it must make a positive and powerful first impression about your ability to become a good researcher and should enable the university to examine whether you are a good ‘match’ for the mentors or supervisors and their areas of research expertise. However, writing such a task is not as easy and straightforward as it needs critical thinking, analytical mind and proper communication of your ideas. Apart from all these skills, the task also needs significant investment in terms of time and energy.

Our End-to-End Assistance

Our experts with in-depth knowledge of the topic can significantly enhance your research. Trust in our PhD research mentoring support for a reliable guidance.

Especially, scholars who do not have prior experience in academic research such as working in different industries and corporate will find hard to write a good research proposal. Similarly, scholars who have vast experience in teaching like professors and lecturers who wanted to pursue their PhD degree may not find sufficient time to collect academic articles from various peer reviewed journals and read the articles. Therefore, our research proposal writing service enables you to handle both your daily life and PhD journey without getting frustrated. A good research proposal has solid answers for the following questions

Good Research Proposal for PhD Scholars

  • What you contribute to your field of study?
  • The study has been already conducted by any other researchers if yes? Where has it been conducted?
  • What is the theoretical framework for the study?
  • What are the research questions or research hypotheses?
  • Whether the study demands primary data? If needed, available?
  • Where to collect data?
  • What will study design? The number to be targeted?
  • Does it demand pilot study?
  • Is the questionnaire already validated or need to develop a new one?
  • What are the appropriate methods for analyzing the data?
  • What are the expected end results? / outcome of the study
  • Can the dissertation/ thesis be done within the time frame set for PhD?

  • Experts At PhD Assistance Have Capability & Skills To Select Not Only Right Problem Statement But Based On The Current Gap & Need

    Our experts at PhD Assistance not only possess relevant educational qualifications but also have vast experience working in the relevant discipline with an ability to draw the attention of supervisors with an impressive outcome. Several scholars who sought for research proposal help to us have successfully made it to get a PhD.

    Outstanding PhD Problem Identification features

    What we render in context to research proposal development

    It becomes our responsibility to determine the type of research that the aspirant intends to conduct. It depends on the topic selected to build a strong research proposal with the following questions as necessary attributes.

  • What is the contribution to the field of study?
  • Whether, the study has been already conducted by any other researcher; if yes, where it has been conducted?
  • What is the theoretical framework for the study?
  • What are the research questions or research hypotheses?
  • Whether the study demands primary data? If needed, is it available?
  • Where to collect data?
  • What will study design? What is the number of targeted respondents?
  • Is there any need of pilot study?
  • Is the questionnaire already validated or need to be developed a new one?
  • What are the appropriate methods for analyzing the data?
  • What are the expected end results / outcome of the study?
  • Is there any chance of developing the dissertation/ thesis within the time frame?
  • All these featuring in a research proposal will make an impact on the evaluators to get their nod of approval.

    What we deliver in research proposal writing help?

    While developing a research proposal, we must determine which research method will be used. Is it a qualitative, quantitative, mixed, or triangular approach? According to the specific PhD standard research technique, our professionals make an attempt to develop the PhD research proposal with the following elements:

  • Title of the research
  • Overview of the research: Introduction and background
  • The objectives and significance of the research
  • The contribution of research to advancing the knowledge (in academic, and other fields)
  • Emphasis on research questions
  • Review of Literature
  • Theoretical framework/conceptual, empirical, and normative framework of the study in context to extensive literature review
  • Research design and methodology
  • Persuasive argument and justification
  • Time schedule of your research
  • References
  • The expertise will be selected from the field of study and apart from that PhD Assistance will provide a research methodology specialist and a statistician in the team. In addition we also assist in presentation and language.


  • Fonts
  • Sections and headings
  • Point form
  • In-text citations
  • References list
  • Language

  • Sentences
  • Linking devices
  • Overused words
  • Jargon
  • Variation and the use of pronouns
  • Spoken Vs. Written language

  • Grammar
  • Spelling

  • Well-Conceptualized and Precise PhD Proposal: A Reflection of Your Research

    To support the argument, we offer detailed references lists and bibliography.

    Our Quality Procedure

    Our Ph.D. Research Proposal service is exclusive

    As we do not just provide topics, but the rather clear explanation and justification for the choice.


    Brainstorm Your ideas

    Plagiarism report

    Quality assurance

    Our Ph.D. Research writing, rewriting, mentoring Help

    We are committed to providing value for your money and time you invest with us

    Our Services


    1. On which discipline, you provide research proposal writing services
    We accept orders from various disciplines like Science, Management, Humanities, Arts, etc. This is in brief, but all the areas of the research study are taken care of for developing the proposal. Kindly contact us to know more about the areas of the research area and proposal.
    2. What is the difference between level 1, level 2 and level 3?
    Level 1 is basically to done to understand the research area and its broader aspect of looking your research area. However, this will not provide any in-depth understanding of the gap aspects. If you wanted to choose the title and the research area, taking this service would be the right choice. If you have already chosen the topic and broader researcher gap, you can either opt for Level 2 or even level 3. However, Level 3 is mandatory for proceeding with the full Ph.D. thesis writing, as we recommend all researchers to complete this process to avoid discrepancies in the understanding process. This is basically to ensure that both the scholar and writer are on the same page.
    3. What will we get while ordering for research proposal writing services?
    It depends on the level that you order. For level 1, you will get title basically along with broader research objectives, proposed methodology, and outline problem. Basically, this can be used to fill the admission application form. However, this Ph.D. level research proposal will not have references. If you order level 2 research proposal, you will have critical analysis write up which will reflect in research objectives, research questions, broad gap and methodology along with the references. Level 3 is most in-depth and critical analysis, where this proposal will have all requirements that are mandatory for Ph.D. level proposal including sound framework, literature review, objectives, questions, outcome, and references.
    4. What is the difference between Ph.D. research proposal and Ph.D. Synopsis writing?
    In general Ph.D. Research, scholars will confuse with both the terminologies. Ph.D. research proposal is nothing but, a proposal that developed at an initial stage of your research which would shed light on the work to be carried out for next 3-5 years with a clear framework. However, a Ph.D. synopsis is something that you need to submit your university after completing your work, which is a snapshot of your complete Ph.D. research work but in 20-30 pages.
    5. Does proposal involves questionnaire or tool development?
    The proposal will not involve in the questionnaire. However, with an additional pay you can get the questionnaire for your research objectives. Even if you have already developed your objectives, you can order only Ph.D. level questionnaire or any standard validated tool from us.
    6. What Information that I need to provide while ordering for research proposal writing services
    To meet the needs of a research proposal, we require research topic and title determined by you and target country (India, UK, USA, UAE) along with the target states like (New Delhi, Mumbai, (Karnataka, Bangalore), Andhra Pradesh) where research will be carried out. It would be fruitful; you specify the specific country, state, and district to narrow down the research question and research problem. In addition, you also need to specify industry (e.g., Automobile, Education (high Schools), retail, etc.) and target population (e.g., Managerial, senior level employees, low level)
    7. I have completed my research proposal, but looking for editing the document? Do you help on that?
    Certainly, we edit your research proposal through our ‘Ph.D. research proposal editing service’. However, you need to mention the level of editing that you expect from us.
    8. I have completed my research proposal, but struggling to develop theoretical framework?
    At Phdassistance, we definitely help you in getting the theoretical framework done by properly identifying depended variable, independent variable, mediators, and moderators. However, to ensure this process, you are requested to share the complete proposal with research gap.

    PhD Mentors with adequate experience

    Rely on our unique and affordable Ph.D. Dissertation mentoring services

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    As well as your order, you will also get the following.

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    Client Testimony

    • PA_Image
      I faced lot of issues for completing my research proposal work. Because I have no idea to write. So, I stressed a lot, my friend advised and to get help from phdassistance. The expert shared lot of information about my research proposal and it was helpful. Moreover, I completed my research proposal on time without any corrections. Thanks a lot phdassistance expert

    Order Process

    Ordering your complete or part Ph.D. Dissertation process from Ph.D. Assistance is quick and easy. You need to follow the easy steps given below

    Our Subject matter experts are well-skilled and experienced. So, relax! Your research is in safe hands.

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