Business & Management Studies– Academic Writing
The US & UK business writers at PhD Assistance aim to impart knowledge in students and build their confidence to submit their business & management including international business, leadership and SCM writing successfully.

Business & Management Dissertation (Thesis), Assignments, Manuscript Writing & Editing Services
Our professional business and management writers are experts with highest qualifications from the UK. Their experience in writing and editing runs to decades which is vital in shaping the career of students (post-doctoral fellowships or jobs)
We use subject-specific language and exemplary presentation that is clear, logical, imaginative, creative and original
We demonstrate exceptional ability in the right use of the relevant literature, theoretically or practically relevant topic, meticulous execution of research design, analysis, discussion and conclusion.
Business & Management Writing from qualified Expert
Business and management paper writing can become stressful when you aim to achieve a good grade. In many instances students find it hard to understand what the professor wants than achieving an A grade. Business and management field becomes more stressful as it includes diverse programs such as accounting, finance, marketing and management, economics and business administration. Students are required to complete core and elective modules to move to the Capstone Research project or internship
Business & Management Professionals at PhD Assistance assures you the quality
Business and management dissertation must exhibit a scholarly work with strong academic principles but it becomes taxing for students. Extensive study of business and management books, magazines, references precedes writing a dissertation. The dissertation must have heading, subheading, introduction, body, conclusion with valid research points. Help from professional legal writers is often sought to make the writing very professional. Our dissertation writing services at PhD Assistance cover all contents and aspects of the study. Our team of experts worked with students from universities the world over.
Our Writing Standards are exemplary including creativity and innovation and ensures link between theory and practice
Accounting and financial management, marketing, HR, oil &gas, entrepreneurship management, international business, leadership, organizational behavior, strategic management, marketing management, managerial economics, quantitative methods for business, digital marketing, hospitality management, sports management, human resource management, business law, managing people and performance, fashion management, project management, public management, purchasing management, safety management, supply chain management, transportation management, retail management, quality management, luxury management, management control, key account management, event management.
Your Business and Management writing
Get the ideal and flawless Business and Management writing samples from our subject-matter experts.
Quality Assurance
We assure High Quality at every stage- Check of Quality Assurance &Enhancement Activities
Plagiarism report
We are dedicated in delivering your document after checking plagiarism with the help of Write Check or Turnitin or such other plagiarism tools.
Customer Interaction
We work in real-time and interact with customers at every stage for modifications, answering queries related to your project and order delivery.
Why Ph.D. Assistance for Economics & Finance writing and editing services?
The US & UK writers at PhD Assistance aim to impart knowledge in students and build their confidence to submit their dissertation successfully including applied computational finance, applied corporate finance, risk management in financial markets, financial engineering, fixed income markets, portfolio management, forecasting financial time series, international finance, global finance system, mergers, buy outs and corporate restructuring, quantitative methods for finance and risk analysis.

A Dissertation Writing Service (Empirical & Theoretical paper) features that help to get the grade
We aid you in writing your dissertation containing introduction, data, model, estimation technique or methodology, findings and conclusion, coursework and assignments. We have answers to all the questions you have in your mind. We also make you strong in your dissertation. A wide range of management theories and models such as leadership (e.g. Path goal, PSDA, PAEI, SWOT, TDC Matrix, Theory X, Y, Z, TQM, Value chain, Root cause, Leadership Style, Hofstede, Expectancy, ERG Theory), change management – culture (e.g. 7-S Framework, Balance Score card, BPR, CMM, Ice Berg, EVM, EFQM, Force Field, Maslow, Kruger etc), valuation decision making, strategic value creation (PEST, PSDA Deming, Outsourcing, OODA, Stakeholder theory, TDC Matrix, Value Chain, VRIN Barney, GE /McKinsey Matrix, Force Field, Five Force, Game Theory, 3Cs Model) and communication marketing (7Ps, ARIMA, Ansoff, ADL, BCG Matrix, Gestalt, Industry lifecycle, Product life cycle, PBT, PEST, OL, TRA, TPB) are used.
Your Choice of Primary or Secondary Research – Evidence to Support Hypotheses
We offer help in primary and secondary data collection through library research, internet searches and in quantitative data collection from survey using questionnaire method (close ended questionnaire with Linkert Scale.) We provide theoretical justification for the chosen methodology rather than arguing about lack of time or financial resources as reasons for limiting research. In order to achieve the research question the chosen methodology will be customized and substantiated with reference or argument. It also shows how the chosen methodology is the best for resolving the research question. The entire process includes data collection, statistical analysis and presentation in the format prescribed by the respective institute. Eventually, the dissertation undergoes review and proof reading to ensure the quality of work.

Your Choice of quantitative or qualitative or Triangulation methodologies
We aid you identify the right method of research (e.g. exploratory, descriptive, analytical & predictive), research approaches (qualitative- case study, grounded theory, ethnography, content analysis or phenomenological or quantitative, applied basic, deductive/inductive), research philosophy (positivism, interpretivism, realism). We explain why and what research tool is the most appropriate to gain results. We also describe the participants, limitations of the methodology and methods used, measurement and operationalization of variables, target population, sampling design, data collection instruments, data collection procedures and data analysis.
Development of Questionnaire or Interview questions
We extend our help in multiple services ranging from the selection of a dissertation topic to the completion of your master’s dissertation with a desired grade. Depending upon your area of interest, research gap and feasibility of data collection UK MBA thesis topics are selected. We have answers for all the questions you have in mind. We make you strong in your dissertation. The dissertation writing process includes data collection, statistical analysis and presentation in the format prescribed by the respective institute. The final process is putting the master’s thesis to review and proofreading which ensures the quality of work.

Business & Management - Writing & Editing Features
We aid you in submitting a plan of the dissertation (proposed structure/ main argument), progress, a sample write up to their supervisor adhering to the style of reference- Draft would exhibit imagination, creativity, critical insights and analytical rigor.

Sources, Citation and Presentation
We aid you identify a range of primary and secondary resources adhering to the Style Guide in the Business and management literature. The various styles include the American Management Association (The AMA style guide for business writing), the Harvard Scheme, the APA style, End Note Guide etc. Our formatting and referencing team has expertise in various citations that include books, reported cases (Australia/UK), published and unpublished papers, government and private publications, discussion papers, reports, citing newspaper/magazines, press releases, world wide web www site. The wide database we use include Google Scholar, Web of Science, Business Source complete, JSTOR, SSRN Electronic Library, NBER working papers, IDEAS, Annual Reviews, Business Source Complete (for case studies, company profiles, reports, conference papers, financial data & SWOT analysis), ABI/INFORMA Complete (business trends, management practice & theory, corporate strategy), (Emerald Management, SAGE Premier, Science Direct, SAGE Stats, Accounting & Tax, Hospitality & Tourism Complete, World Bank Open Knowledge Repository, Hoover’s Company records, National Bureau of Economic Research, Market Share Reporter, LexisNexis Academic, Gale Virtual Reference Library, Regional Business News, Proquest Central, Academic Search Complete, Oxford Reference Online: Economics, Gale Virtual Reference, Handbook of Corporate finance, Handbook of the Economics of Finance, & Handbook of Environmental Economics.
Business Writing Style & Argument
The styles rules we follow include quotations (short and long quotes, edited quotes, errors or discriminary terms in quoted passages), ellipsis, interpolations, abbreviations, dates, times, numbers, fractions and decimals and footnotes. We write your dissertation in an argumentative manner with logical and coherent construction. Primary and secondary sources substantiate the writing. Our business writers are capable of writing and making your dissertation clear, concise and complete. We make a distinction between original data and ideas taken from other people. We do follow EASE guidelines. We also make your dissertation plagiarism-free by using softwares such as Viper, iThenticate, Cross Check, eTBLAST, Safe Assign, WCopyFind, check for plagiarism, grammarly and sometimes in Google. We also apply DelphiS keyword search by using subject specific database.
Free while you order dissertation
We help to develop questionniare or interview guide at free of costs while you order for dissertation. We also provide,
- Appendices
- Abstract
- Title Page
- Copyright Page
- Table of Content
- Lists of Charts, graphs, Illustrations
- Formatting
- Frequently asked questions (questions that may arise while writing the dissertation)
- Personal statement for your research proposal
- Bibilography (a brief annotation on key primary text)