How to write a literature review for PhD Dissertation? 
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How to write a literature review for PhD Dissertation? 

A literature review is an examination of scholarly materials on a particular topic. It gives an overview of current knowledge, helping you find valuable ideas, methodologies, and gaps in existing research that you may subsequently apply to your article, thesis, or dissertation.

There are five critical steps to writing a literature review:

  • Look for relevant literature.
  • Assess sources.
  • Determine topics, disputes, and gaps.
  • Sketch out the framework.
  • Conduct a literature review.
  • A good literature review examines, synthesizes, and critically assesses sources to provide a comprehensive picture of the state of knowledge on the subject.

    The purpose of a literature review

    When writing a thesis, dissertation, or research paper, you must do a literature review to contextualize your study within current knowledge. The literature review allows you to:

  • Demonstrate your knowledge of the issue and its scholarly background.
  • Create a theoretical framework and research approach for your study.
  • Consider how your work compares to those of other researchers and theories.
  • Explain how your study fills a need or contributes to a discussion.
  • Assess the status of the research and demonstrate your understanding of academic arguments on your issue.
  • Step 1 – Look for relevant literature.

    First, while preparing a dissertation or research paper, you will look for relevant literature to your find out the gap and frame the topic and questions.

    Step 2 – Assess sources.

    Because you are unlikely to be able to read everything that has been written on your topic, you will need to choose which sources are most relevant to your research issue.

    Step 3 – Determine topics, disputes, and gaps.

    To begin arranging the argument and structure of your literature review, make sure you comprehend the links and interconnections between the sources you've studied. For example, you can search based on your reading and notes.

    Step 4 – Sketch out the framework.

    There are several methods for structuring the body of a literature review. For example, you can mix many of these tactics depending on the duration of your literature study.

    Step 5 – Conduct a literature review.

    Like any other academic paper, your literature review should include an introduction, a significant body, and a conclusion. What you include in each is determined by the goal of your literature review.


    In conclusion, you should summarize and stress the significant results from the literature you drew from. When you've completed writing and rewriting your literature review, properly reread it before submitting it. Not a native speaker? Look at PhD Assistance's expert dissertation writing services!

    A literature review is an examination of scholarly materials on a particular topic. It gives an overview of current knowledge, helping you find valuable ideas, methodologies,

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