Environmental Engineering
The course is designed to enable Engineer and other technical experts to take a lead role as the environmental engineering and management. Particularly, the course deals with the broad aspects of environmental management associated with practicing as the professionals in engineering science, architecture, law, surveying, architecture planning, and health and building. The goal of this course is to develop an awareness and understandings of the environment against human impact in related to the waste minimization and water quality management as well as one can gain the professional skills to be part of working as the integrated team at responsible for environmental planning and management.
Mainly, Environmental Engineering is focused on the sustainable use and preservation of natural resources in a growing urbanized world. The Masters in Environmental Engineering prepares students to plan, control, functionally design, control, operate and manage both public and industrial pollution prevention systems. After completion, student can pursue the same stream in doctoral degree or allied stream (civil and environmental engineering) who willing to do advance research in an area of environmental engineering
Masters in environmental engineering include:
Core /major course and Electives
Ph.D. in Environmental Engineering (Can take any concentration related in environmental)
- Environmental (Water) Chemistry
- Environmental Microbiology
- Introduction to Solid and Hazardous Waste
- Water and Wastewater Treatment
After passing the masters and Ph.D. examination, each student consult with their major professor so who will create a list of five professors to serve on an advisory committee. Particularly, doctoral candidates should prepare a written research proposal for approval by their allotted dissertation committee. After the passing qualified exam within one year, students must be present a research proposal. Every individual has the capability to do a dissertation and thesis writing but professionalism matters high credits so finding a right assistance will give a great research support and maximum credits. It strongly emphasizes that literature, dissertation, assignment and manuscript writing in environmental engineering as important to get score 90% in Ph.D. and 60% in master degree as well as complete your program.