Arts & Humanities– Academic Writing
PhD, Master’s & Authors / Publishers.
The US & UK writers at PhD Assistance aim at inculcating knowledge within students and build a great confidence to submit their arts & humanities related research paper writing successfully.

Arts & Humanities (Thesis), Assignments, Manuscript Writing & Editing Services
Our experts are professional econometricians having the highest qualification from the UK. Decades of experience in writing and editing has been instrumental in shaping the career of students (postdoctoral fellowships or jobs)
We use subject-specific language, exemplary presentation that demonstrates clear, logical, imaginative, creative and original
We exhibit the advance states of the art, literature survey, new or advanced techniques, elements of theory and experiment.
Arts & Humanities Writing from qualified Expert
Writing an arts and humanities can be stressful, specifically when your objective is to obtain a good grade. Yet, for many students obtaining an A is less a matter while “figuring out” what the professor “wants” is more matters. In the case of arts and humanities, is to explore the reach of human reason, imagination and creativity. Fine arts degree concludes with assessment via a portfolio or project or dissertation or supervised research.
Arts & Humanities Professionals at Phd Assistance assures you the quality
Since the arts & humanities is a vast subject having so many theories and models & techniques; it might prove as cumbersome to students. This writing needs wide extensive study involving econometric books, magazines, references which should be translated into a well laid out dissertation writing with heading, subheading, introduction, body, conclusion enumerating valid points of research. So as to make the writing work a professional one, it is better to hire professional legal writers. Dissertation writing service provided by us covers all the contents of the study.
Client Testimony
Your Arts and Humanities-Academic writing
Get the ideal and flawless Arts and Humanities academic writing samples from our Subject-Matter expertise report
Quality Assurance
We ensure to achieve High Quality at every stage-Check of Quality Assurance & Enhancement activities report
Plagiarism report
We have dedicated in deliver your document after correcting plagiarism using–Write Check or Turnitin, and or any other advanced plagiarism tools.
Customer Interaction
We act in real-time and interact with customer at every stage in terms of modifications, any query related to your project and order delivery.

A Dissertation Writing Service (Empirical & Theoretical paper) features that helps to get the grade
We help you to write empirical papers (Introduction, data, model, estimation technique or methodology, findings, and conclusion), that usually consists of coefficient estimates derived from regression analyses. Further, we also saupport in developing theoritical papers, that are proved, with a sufficient degree of internal logical consistency. We make you strong in your dissertation by dealing with all the questions that you have in your mind. The process also entails data collection, statistical analysis and presentation in the format of your Institute. As a final process, the master’s thesis is further put to review and proofreading to ensure that you get quality work.
Your Choice of Primary or Secondary Research – Evidence to Support Hypotheses
We help you to collect primary and secodary data collection through library reserch, internet searches (for secondary), while for quantiative data, including questionnaire method. We justify the chosen methodology through theoritical justification rather than the argument of lack of time or financial resources as a reason for limiting research. The chosen methodology will be tailored to achieve the research question and substinate with reference or argument to support how methodology is the most suitable for finding the solution to your research question. We also apply analysis to test a model, such as as using regression analysis or applying models are mathematical equations to represent a simplified version of the decision-makin process.

Your Choice of quantitative or qualitative or Triangulation methodologies
We help you to identify the right choice of theoritical modeling strategy that helps you to address the problem. Including a clear hypoteses, the statistica and econometric technique including the identification and justification (e.g. Linear or Probit regression analysis).
Development of Questionnaire or Interview questions
We help you in a broad range of services from the selection of a dissertation topic to complete your master’s dissertation successfully with the expected grade. UK MBA thesis topics are selected based on your area of interest, research gap, and feasibility of data collection. We make you strong in your dissertation by dealing with all the questions that you have in your mind. The process also entails data collection, statistical analysis and presentation in the format of your Institute. As a final process, the master’s thesis is further put to review and proofreading to ensure that you get quality work.

Arts & Humanities Style - Writing & Editing Features
We help you to submit a plan of the dissertation (proposed structure / main argument), progress, and a sample of writing to their supervisor according to the style of reference – Draft would demonstrate evidence of imagination, creativity, critical insights and analytical rigor.

Sources, Citation and Presentation
We help you identify an impressive range of primary and secondary resources, in compliance with the Style Guide found in the Business and management literature including the American Management Association (The AMA style guide for business writing), the Harvard Scheme, the APA style, and EndNote Guide etc. Our formatting and referencing team are aware of citations that includes books, reported cases (Australia / UK), published & unpublished papers,government & private publications, discussion papers/ reports, citing newspaper /magazines, press releases, world wide web www site. We use wide range of database including Google Scholar, Web of Science, Business Source complete, JSTOR, SSRN Electronic Library, NBER working papers, IDEAS, Annual Reviews, Business Source Complete (for case studies, company profiles, reports, conference papers, financial data & SWOT analysis), ABI /INFORMA Complete (business trends, management practice & theory, corproate strategy), Emerald Management, SAGE Premier, ScienceDirect, SAGE Stats, Accounting & Tax, Hospitality & Toursim Complete, World Bank Open Knowldege Respository, Hoover’s Company records, National Bureau of Economic Research, Market Share Reporter, LexisNexis Academic, Gale Virtual Refernece Library, Regional Business News, Proquest Central, Academic Search Complete, Oxford Reference Online: Economics, Gale Virtual Reference, Handbook of Corporate finance, Handbook of the Economics of Finance, & Handbook of Environmental Economics.
Business Writing Style & Argument
We follow styles rules including quotations (short and long quotes, edited quotes, errors or discriminary terms in quoted passages), ellipsis, interpolations, abbreviations, dates, times, numbers, fractions and decimals, and footnotes. We write your dissertation in the manner which is argumentative, ie., the logical and coherent constrcuction substaniated by relevant primary and secondary sources. Further our business writers has capability to write your dissertation in complete, concise and clear (e.g distribguish original data and ideas from other people).We follow EASE guidelines. We ensure that our dissertation writing is free of plagiarism and we screen the article in different software including Viper, itehnticate, cross check, eTBLAST, SafeAssign, WCopyFind, checkforplagiarism, grammarly and sometimes in Google. Apply DelphiS keyword search using subject specific database
Free while you order dissertation
We help to develop questionniare or interview guide at free of costs while you order for dissertation. We also provide,
- Appendices
- Abstract
- Title Page
- Copyright Page
- Table of Content
- Lists of Charts, graphs, Illustrations
- Formatting
- Frequently asked questions (questions that may arise while writing the dissertation)
- Personal statement for your research proposal
- Bibilography (a brief annotation on key primary text)