Writing a Dissertation in Medicine, Healthcare & Life sciences: Tips From Former PhD Students

  The stories of former medical PhD students while writing a thesis may intimidate who is in line to do it.  For those who are finding it scary, it is important for them to understand the significance of the dissertation and the intricacies involved in writing a medical dissertation.  It is when the students usually seek the help of the former PhD students in writing a dissertation Medicine, Healthcare & Life Sciences domain.

To ease the burden, here are some of the tips from the former medical PhD students to consider before writing a dissertation  in Medicine, Healthcare & Life sciences:

Choosing the right topic

This is a very tricky part in thesis on health care management and hence one should be wakeful in choosing the right topic. Before landing on a topic the following factors are analysed and considered

  • The ease of availability of medical and healthcare resources in the student’s vicinity and comfort to write the dissertation
  • Does the student have strong knowledge in that area?
  • Does it match with the interests of the student?

Drafting a dissertation proposal

One can consider drafting a dissertation proposal prior to writing a dissertation. It can help build a foundation or a clear structure for the dissertation which can be used as a reference point in all phases of dissertation writing.  To know more about medical dissertation proposal click here

Start from high level and build deeper

It is better to construct a structure of the thesis to begin with. This gives clarity about the medical dissertation by listing all the required medical terms and constituents. And then, one can expand the thesis in the deeper level.

Primarily it is suggested not to miss any major components in the thesis which usually happens due to confusions.

Review similar previous dissertations

Former PhDs recommend reviewing the dissertations that are similar to the topic chosen. This will give new insights about the thesis and ideas about adding new components to the thesis.

No gaps in writing schedule

Since drafting a dissertation takes several weeks, it is easy to get distracted and lose track of all the ideas, analysis, through process etc.

Hence it is advised by former PhDs to stick to a daily writing discipline with a proper workspace to avoid unnecessary hassles.

Writing and discussing the results

Conveying the results of the dissertation is where the whole point of the thesis lies and hence, utmost importance should be given to this section. It should be clear, elaborate and self understanding and can be depicted using tables, figures, graphs etc.

The results are going to be a point of discussion during the defense. So, the student can anticipate the various discussion points that may arise during the presentation and note them in the thesis for ease of handling the discussion.

Giving a proper conclusion

If a 100 page dissertation is written, then it needs a deserving conclusion. One can conclude the dissertation by stating the most important observations from the thesis and by pressing on how the suggested idea aids in overcoming the problem statement. Also one can describe the evolution of the ideas in the future.

These tips will help the students writing a thesis in the medical thesis. Students can seek the help of medical dissertation writing services available to build a more value added thesis. These centres provide the best medical and healthcare dissertation writing help to the students.

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