The structure of a Literature Review

The structure of a Literature Review

A Literature review is the works published on a narrow topic. E.g., suppose you are doing a study of Odonates. Instead of focusing on an entire state, you will pick a district, which will be suitable for your study. A literature review helps to analyze and evaluate the literature. It highlights gaps in research of certain patterns and conflicts.

A literature review structure is divided into 3 parts the introduction, main body and summary (Example of a Literature Review Structure, 2019).


In the introduction, the themes of the paper should be well defined and the introduction should make then be able to make a transition into the review part of the paper. The introduction should explain the scope of the study, why are you writing the topic and its importance e.g. Importance of Odonates and their role in keeping our water bodies clean from pests will be mentioned

Main body

The next step is the body of the research literature. The body paragraphs should be relevant to the topic. The body may consist of methodologies used in the study, the historical background of the topic, previous studies. The body should show a clear connection between the various sources. Every source should be reviewed in detail along with its importance in the study. The principal questions should be asked and the conclusions from the study should be drawn from the body (The structure of a literature review, 2019). E.g. It should show the type of methods used in the surveys i.e. point methods, transect methods, etc. The questions of why Odonates are found near dirty water bodies and their role in keeping a water body clean should be clearly mentioned and explained.


The conclusion should analyze the overall aspect of the topic. The agreements and disagreements of the topic should be clearly mentioned. Last but not least the gaps in the literature and further research perspectives should be mentioned in the conclusion. Also, explain how your study fills the existing gaps in the literature. E.g. Odonates feed on larvae of mosquitoes and pests and hence keep the water bodies clean. In the further research you can mention whether Odonates are getting affected by humans.

  1. Example of A Literature Review Structure. (2019). Retrieved 19 August 2019, from
  2. The structure of a literature review. (2019). Retrieved 19 August 2019, from

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