Research Methodology
- Research Writing
How Introduction Chapter of a dissertation must be set?
An extremely important chapter as it sets the scene and tone for your PhD / doctorate thesis. You have to make this chapter interesting and should be clear and well written. Since this is a first impression for the reader, you have to make use of this opportunity to highlight the importance of your thesis.
The introduction must indicate in precise terms the problems which have not yet been adequately investigated.
This chapter should emphasis key components such as
- Contextual framework
- Theoretical framework
- Statement of the problem or gap in the research
- Aims of the project
- Brief description of your methodology/research
- Outline of chapters
Rhetorical features of a dissertation Introduction
Rubric for assessing an introduction:
Recent studies focused on particular rhetorical features of PhD these. For an introduction, Bunton, 2002 has provided some structure
- Claiming centrality (importance of topic)
- Making topic generalization and giving background information
a. Indicating a problem or need
b. Indicating limitations
c. Giving examples
d. Defining terms
e. Giving or anticipating solutions
- Defining terms
- Reviewing previous research
- Explaining the institutions / research group context
- Purpose, aims or objectives
- Work carried out
- Field of Research
- Methods (parameters of research)
- Materials or subjects
- Findings or results (announcing or predicting)
- Significance /justification
- Thesis structure
- Overall thesis structure
- Chapter structure
- Chapter goal
- Chapter contents