What are different Section Headings to write a conclusion and the discussion chapter

Discussion and Conclusion

What are different Section Headings to write a conclusion and the discussion chapter?

Make sure to have appropriate section headings that the writer is hoping to accomplish in different parts of the chapter.

Section Headings can be as follows
1st section Heading:

  1. Summary
  2. Discussion
  3. Conclusion(s)

Intermediate section heading

  1. Research questions
  2. Methodological aspects
  3. Limitations
  4. Theoretical Implications & Recommendations

Final Section Heading

  1. Future directions
  2. Further studies / research
  3. Epilogue

A. Typical Introductory restatement

Although the X of As has been extensively studied in the past few decades, the X of ABs has remained relatively unexplored……In this work, the X, Y, and Z of ABCs and ABDs have been presented and discussed in detail

How to set a typical recommendation for future research

This method certainly merits further investigation especially in problems involving a lot of unknown, such as the following.The findings of this research study provide the following insight for future research.

Science and Technology thesis Oriented PhD conclusion
Move 1: Introductory restatement
Work Carried out
Move 2: Consolidation of research space
References to previous research Product (s)
Move 4: Future research
Humanities and Social Sciences thesis oriented PhD conclusions
Move 1: Introductory restatement
Purpose, research questions or hypotheses
Move 2: Consolidations of research space

  • Method
  • Findings / Results
  • Claims
  • References to previous research

Move 3: Practical implications and recommendations
Importance of References in the PhD Dissertation
It is must to acknowledge the source of your quotes and ideas in detail so that the reader can access the same for future use. Further referencing is important to avoid plagiarism.
Thesis India has vast experience in all types of references for PhD thesis globally including the American Psychological Association (APA), Harvard style, Chicago Manual Style, MLA, Vancouver, and many more PhD Thesis should follow structured referencing Style according to University required referencing system.

  • Textbook
  • Journal Article
  • An Entire Book Collection
  • An Article from a book collection
  • News Papers and Magazines
  • Interview or other personal communication
  • Brochure
  • A work reproduced in a book (image, painting, table or figure)
  • Government Publications and official information
  • Maps
  • Measurement Converters
  • Quotations
  • Telephone directories
  • A part of a publication contributed by other people than the main author
  • Statistics

For Example
Referencing a News Paper Article – The Harvard Referencing System
HASSELL, N., 2004. Gilts investors take profits. Times [online] 10 August. Available from: http://web.lexis-nexis.com/xchange-international [Accessed 8 August 2004].

Whenever PhD candidate does reference, they need to aware of different type of citation, in-text, endnote, footnote, reference type (single author, 2 authors, 3 authors, 4 or more authors) and bibliography.