Recent PhD Research Topic Ideas for Electronic Engineering 2020
Exclusive for scholars pursuing their PhD in Electronics and Communication Engineering with base papers (peer-reviewed articles)
- Energy Efficiency Examination of Comb Source Carrier-Injection Ring depend on Photonic Silicon Connection
- Silicon Photonics is on Wavelength division multiplexing Compatible Polarisation-Diverse OAM Generator and Multiplexer
- Integrating Ultra-Wideband Antennas with the Bluetooth
- Wetness Detection – Bluetooth depends on microcontroller unit and (Global System for Mobile communication
- Electrical Annealing – examination of the performance of Organic Rectifying Diodes
- Depend on organic light-emitting diodes – Optical camera communication system for IoT
- Enhancement in wireless body application for the deployment of a Human Body Phantom Model.
- Manipulation of wireless body area network in Clothing Spoof Surface Plasmons
- Deliberation of Human Body Blocking in User-Dense Condition and analyzation of Channel Capacity of Millimetre-Wave WBAN
- Tackling the catastrophic forgetting interface using an artificial neural network
- Wavelength Demultiplexer Models Running on Several Spatial Modes of the Rectangular Waveguide
- Enhancement in Decision Making with Photonics for Bandit Issues
- Binary Coherent Optical Receiver depend on Opto-Electronic Neural Network
- Backside Metal Mirrors with a grating coupler in silicon insulator
- Autonomous network diagnosis with Artificial intelligence (AI)
- Detection and visualization of terahertz using ballistic graphene rectifiers
- Challenges for 5 G Mobile Backhaul network based on threats and attacks
- Examination of CoAP with the DTLS Protocol in the communications of Fog-to-Fog.
- Distance-Based system for Named Software-Defined Vehicular Networks (NSDVN) in Broadcast Storm Mitigation
- Security and threats challenges in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks MANETs
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