Recent PhD Research Topic Ideas for Civil Engineering 2020
Exclusive for scholars pursuing their PhD in Civil Engineering with base papers (peer-reviewed articles)
- Investigation of use of waste plastic in manufacturing of bricks along with M-sand and Quarry dust.Base Papers:
- Investigation of self-healing concrete by using different Pozzolanic materials and identifying the most suitable material.
- Comparing the standards of coarse aggregates in different regions of India
- GIS based performance assessment framework and index for Indian smart cities to identify the performance of each city.
- GIS based method to estimate the discharge and distribution of water in various rivers/
- Performance of Reinforced Concrete Structures with respect to accidental fires during earthquakes.
- GIS Based electrification in rural regions using renewable Energy Resources.
- Geospatial analysis of glaciers and icebergs in the polar region due to the increasing problem of climate change.
- Geospatial analysis of Himalayan glaciers and the dangers it poses by melting due to climate change.
- Spatio-temporal modelling of the depleting ground water in Chennai in 3D environment
- Dynamic analysis of rigid platform structures in Indian railway stations while considering the disturbances from the moving train.
- GIS based analysis of the increasing traffic problem in Bangalore and measures to address them.
- Intelligent public transport system using optimisation of the routes and public crowd.
- Addition of different admixtures based on waster material addition in the subgrade material.
- Analysis and design of pavements in large industries for heavy vehicles.
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