People pursuing management studies respond to the challenge of documenting recognizable, innovative, and creative approaches to e-HRM. Its aim is to define and carry forward the debate in a complex and versatile matter. Future research will continue the process of clarifying and documenting the evolution of e-HRM. In the meantime, however, human resources management researchers, faculty, practitioners, and consultants may find the ideas and experiences offered in this book genuinely helpful and illuminating.
Research in common parlance refers to a search for knowledge. Once can also define research as a scientific and systematic search for pertinent information on a specific topic. In fact, research is an art of scientific investigation. We all possess the vital instinct of inquisitiveness for, when the unknown confronts us, we wonder and our inquisitiveness makes us probe and attain full and fuller understanding of the unknown. This inquisitiveness is the mother of all knowledge and the method, which man employs for obtaining the knowledge of whatever the unknown, can be termed as research.