Coding & Algorithm

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    Cognitive Economics

    Cognitive Economics

    Epistemic research program has been influenced by certain other social sciences, also interested in the social consequences of an actor’s beliefs and reasoning. Social psychology showed how interacting agents may be locked in pathological situations resulting from crossed expectations which are kept through time because they are locally validated. Sociology demonstrated how desirable or undesirable social states can be obtained and selected by self-fulfilling prophecies about a phenomenon of common interest among agents.

    Environmental Economics

    Environmental Economics



    Intelligent Control Systems Using Computational Intelligence Techniques

    Intelligent Control Systems Using Computational Intelligence Techniques

    Intelligent Control techniques are nowadays recognised tools in both academia and industry. Methodologies coming from the field of computational intelligence, such as neural networks, fuzzy systems and evolutionary computation, can lead to accommodation of more complex processes, improved performance and considerable time savings and cost reductions. This book is neither intended to be an introductory text in the subject, nor did a book specialise in a specific topic. Rather, it covers most of the active research topics in the subject, and gives a comprehensive overview of the present state of intelligent control using computational intelligence techniques

    New Techniques in Interventional Musculoskeletal Radio

    New Techniques in Interventional Musculoskeletal Radio

    The Design and Analysis of Efficient Learning Algorithm

    The Design and Analysis of Efficient Learning Algorithm

    Final objective of machine learning research is to build machines that learn from experience. For example, we might like to build an autonomous robot that can adapt to its environment, and can teach itself to walk, navigate, grasp objects, etc. It might also be useful to have a general purpose prediction machine that can study large data bases, recognize patterns, and based on those patterns make predictions about the future. Such a machine might be useful, for instance, as a tool for predicting earthquakes, rendering medical diagnoses, or otherwise aiding in scientific discovery.