Author: guires

A list of top research laboratories in the UK for life science

Following is the list of top research centers in the United Kingdom with state of the art laboratory involved in medical research and other scientific researches. Norwich and Cambridge are home to three of these institutes each. Babraham Institute, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, England. Pirbright Institute, Surrey, England. Institute of Biological, Environmental and Rural science, Aberystwyth University, Aberytswyth. […]

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Why Your Dissertation Needs Editing and Proofreading Done by PhD Experts Editors

A dissertation should be an engaging writing work that can hold the attention of your university guide which will help you in achieving your academic objectives. Expert editing and proofreading can smooth the creases within your dissertation, with properly structured and concise contents that is devoid of grammatical mistakes and other common writing errors. While […]

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How to write a PhD research proposal on Business Management ?

For a PhD management student venturing into finalizing their topic for research, the first step before beginning their research will be to convince the approval committee of their project. The document that assists this process is the research proposal. Writing a research proposal could be facile when approached systematically. The research proposal is not mandatory […]

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Are You Submitting a manuscript for a first time to a reputed journal? Look at Five Critical factors to get your article in the best shape you can.

Every researcher gets great satisfaction to see their first manuscript published in reputed journals, which will showcase their intelligence, talents, and skills to the wide range of experts across the globe in their field of specialisation. Their years of struggle to conceive, conceptualize, plan, organize, execute and reporting their research findings will vanish once when […]

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The PhD Research Hurdle

The PhD thesis is a complex research report that requires a high degree of commitment and dedicated efforts of the researcher to plan and execute all activities critical for the research study. PhD thesis writing involves many essential stages and is quite different from the thesis preparation for achieving lower level academic degrees. At the […]

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