

Proofreading is editing that done before publishing the paper, proofreading defined as scrutinizing the document to find and correct typographical errors and mistakes in grammar, style, and spelling. It focuses on correcting the superficial errors in spelling, grammar. However, it occurs at the end of the writing process as the final step before submitting the paper.

Traditional proofreading:

Traditionally, a proofreading process is looking at an increment of the text on the copy and then compares the typeset increment, and then marking the errors.

Though the wides usage of software for academic writing and journal publication, there are some cases in which traditional knowing proofreading required. It is helpful for the service to work with two sets of information at the same time.

Purpose of proofreading:

  • The principal aim is to improve the quality of the paper.
  • It provides final polish to your document and ensures the message clarity.

Kinds of error:

The editing process involves removing errors, but it focuses more on making the document sense as a whole. Proofreading is about finding mistakes that are missing in the document or introduced during editing. Proofreaders ensure the document’s final draft is entirely free of grammatical errors as well as formatting and typographical errors.

Types of the document to proofread:

  • Academic proofreading:

For academic proofreading, it must be more than a fresh set of eyes. You must have your work proofread by a subject specialist, by someone who knows your field and is expert in it.

  • Book and Manuscript proofreading:

Make sure it’s ready for publication by hiring our book and manuscript proofreading experts. It helps the author to increase positive experience by improving the written content and facilitating the publishing process.

  • Essay proofreading:

No matter the length of written content, proofreader, ensures meeting English requirements required to publish the document.

Tools for proofreading:


  • It detects errors in grammar, punctuation, contextual spelling, sentence structure, and writing.
  • Browser extension
  • Robust free version
  • Catches complex errors such as passive voice, incomplete sentences, repetitiveness, wordiness, and jargon
  • In-depth reports and suggestion explanations in 20 common areas
  • The browser extension, mobile app, desktop client
  • Plagiarism checker

Figure1 proofreading skills.

Source: Madraso, J. (1993). Proofreading: The skill we’ve neglected to teach. The English Journal, 82(2), 32-41.


  • Real-time corrections
  • The high rate of accuracy
  • Browser extension and app
  • Easy to use



  • Doesn’t work with Google Drive
  • Doesn’t offer big-picture feedback


  • One of the main benefits is to detect the most common errors
  • Proofreading provides synonym of repetition of words which will be helpful to improve the writing flow.