Law – Academic Writing PhD, Master’s & Authors / Publishers
The US & UK writers at Ph.D. Assistance aim at inculcating knowledge within students and build a great confidence to submit their dissertation successfully.

We use subject-specific language, exemplary presentation
That speaks for the clarity, logic, imagination and creativity and our use of genuine ideas, concepts and theories at an adequate level.
PhD / DBA Dissertation at Ph.D. Assistance helps to complete your degree successfully
Law is a study area including rules and regulations put forth by courts. The state and central governments enforce the rules which apply to all citizens equally. Law is bifurcated into civil and criminal law. The former deals with the disputes between individuals and organizations whereas the latter focuses on the offences of social order. There are some laws for safeguarding the justice system of the country.
A host of important yet interesting legal subjects includes public law, private law, constitutional and administrative law, contract law, tort law, property law, labor law etc. Law is present in every walk of human life and in society. UK law course is the foundation of legal course the world over. An international law student from the UK would get career –benefits in politics, business, finance and so on. A law institute in the UK helps the international students and offers courses in law &IT, also deals with aspects of privacy, digital rights, management, cybercrime and e-commerce.
Law Professionals at Ph.D. Assistance assures you the quality
Law is a wide subject with several rules, amendments, codes it might be taxing to students. Legal writing has certain preconditions such as extensive study of law books, magazines, references which are to be turned into heading, subheading, introduction, body and conclusion while writing a legal dissertation. If you want to witness a professional writing, you had better hire professional legal writers. Our legal dissertation writing service covers all contents of a legal dissertation.
Our writing standards are exemplary showing creativity and innovation and ensures link between theory and practice.
Civil, criminal, private, commercial, company, employment, English legacy system, human rights, foreign, tort law, sports law, property law, medical and international law.
So, Relax! Your Ph.D. Research project will be in Safe hands
Your Academic Law Writing
Get perfect Academic Law Writing samples from our subject experts
Quality Assurance
We assure High Quality at every stage- Check of Quality Assurance &Enhancement Activities report
Plagiarism report
We are dedicated in delivering your document after checking it with plagiarism tools such as Write Check or Turnitin and such other advanced plagiarism tools.
Customer Interaction
At every stage customers can approach us for modifications, put forth their queries and obtain quality output for their order.
Why Ph.D. Assistance for Law writing and editing services? Exemplary standard of written English
Our expertise includes professionally inclined legal writers with the highest qualification from the UK. Their writing and editing experience amounts to decades. It has been the driving force behind the flourishing career of legal students who sought our help.

A Law Dissertation Writing Service features that helps to get the grade
Be it civil, criminal, public, private, constitutional, administrative, property, human rights, company law, commerce law, intellectual property, tax, banking with a desired grade we aid you in a wide range of law-based specialization. Your area of interest, research gap and the feasibility of data collection decided your law dissertation. We answer all the questions you have in mind and make you very strong in your dissertation. The procedure includes data collection, statistical analysis and presentation adhering to the university guidelines. As an end note your dissertation goes through review and proof reading to ensure high quality work.
Your Choice of Primary or Secondary Research
We help you in primary or secondary data collection. Library research for the primary and internet search for secondary data collection will get support from our side. Quantitative research relies on interviews with chief respondents, focus group discussion guide, questionnaires and observation. We offer theoretical backing for the adopted methodology. We never argue over lack of time or resources. We hardly ever compromise on the quality of research. The methodology will be customized to obtain the research goals, there is substantial support with reference and argument on ensuring the chosen methodology is the best for finding a solution to your research question.

Your Choice of quantitative or qualitative or Triangulation methodologies
We are with you to choose the right research methodology for you, to provide you the theoretical or conceptual framework for you law dissertation and the research question. We help you in identifying prudential legal basis for your research and the theorist to offer you support. e.g. Do you prefer Thomas Hobbes or Jeremy Bentham? Do you go by positivist school of thought or historical school? We help you justify your selection of theorists and schools of law.
Development of Questionnaire or Interview questions
We offer you a wide range of services right from the selection of a dissertation topic to completing your law dissertation with flying colors. In line with your area of interest, research gap and feasibility of data collection UK MBA thesis topics are chosen. We have answers for all the questions in your mind. You approach us, we will make you strong in your dissertation. The process covers data collection, statistical analysis and presentation in the format prescribed by your university. The final note is to put the thesis to review and proofreading to ensure the quality.

Academic Law Writing & Editing Features
We help you to submit a plan of the dissertation (proposed structure / main argument), progress, and a sample of writing to their supervisor according to the style of reference – Draft would demonstrate evidence of imagination, creativity, critical insights and analytical rigor

Sources, Citation and Presentation
We aid you in finding primary and secondary resources in accordance with the Law Style Guide which includes the Oxford Standard of Legal Citation, the Harvard Scheme, the Australian Guide to Legal Citations and the Canadian Guide to Uniform Legal Citations, the Bluebook, New Zealand Guide to Legal Citation etc. Our referencing and formatting team is adept in citations including books, reported cases (Australia/UK), citing judges, published papers, unpublished papers, government and private publications, discussion papers/reports, law reform commission reports, citing newspaper/magazines, press releases, acts/legislations, international treaties, case law of international Jurisdiction, statutes, Case Law of National and foreign Jurisdiction, bills, parliamentary debates, CD Rom Databases, world wide web, bibliography etc.
Legal Style & Argument
We particularly follow styles, rules, quotations- both short and long quotes, edited quotes, errors or discriminary terms, ellipsis, interpolations, abbreviations, dates, times, numbers, fractions, decimals and footnotes. We write your dissertation in an argumentative manner. Primary and secondary sources provide the dissertation a logical and coherent construction. Our law writers are capable of giving their own voice to your dissertation which is conspicuous by certain expressions and the use of quotes for extraordinary circumstances.
Free while you order dissertation
We help to develop questionniare or interview guide at free of costs while you order for dissertation. We also provide,
- Appendices
- Abstract
- Title Page
- Copyright Page
- Table of Content
- Lists of Charts, graphs, Illustrations
- Formatting
- Frequently asked questions (questions that may arise while writing the dissertation)
- Personal statement for your research proposal
- Bibilography (a brief annotation on key primary text)